Friday, February 4, 2011

One Proud Momma!

Homeschooling has characterized most of my days until just recently. For reasons I won't get into at this time we have ceased homeschooling for the time being and placed our dear children in the care of the public school system.

Homeschooling has laid a wonderful foundation for my children. They have a love for learning that I'm convinced came from our homeschooling journeys. My children are able to communicate with people from different generations. They have been taught Christian morals and virtues. Our journeys in homeschooling have taught the children how to search out information for themselves and not to rely on spoon feedings from anyone. If they want to know more about a specific subject they have the tools required to find out for themselves. (And often do!)

Our youngest came home today with a recommendation letter from his teacher to attend ATOMS Scholar Program this summer. It is a high level, intensive math and science laboratory experience. Yes, he is nervous about going to a different school almost an hour away but I know he will benefit so much from this experience! I have to credit him getting this far ahead in his academics. In my heart I know it's because of  homeschooling and providing him opportunities to grow at his pace and in the way in which he learns.

 I won't hold it in and I'll shout it from the mountain tops! Yes! I'm one proud momma!

1 comment:

  1. Two years ago, we decided to send our two oldest to high school. They have both excelled. Even though it was hard for me to give up homeschooling them, I know it was the best for them. My next one will be joining his sister at high school next year and then the year after that my two youngest will most likely join their siblings. I'm trying my hardest right now to give them the base they will need to excell and thrive. Have enjoyed poking around your blog. Thanks for sharing.
